TIES has applied for a Canada Summer Jobs grant for an Education Program Planner. We were supposed to be advised in April about the success of our application, but due to the ongoing strike by government employees we have no idea when (or if) we will hear back.
*** UPDATE *** Immediately after the strike was settled, our ad on the Job Bank for this position was approved. (Search using the job title Education Program Planner.) However the department that approves the Canada Summer Jobs grant applications is seemingly still not back to work! Still waiting to hear back.
While we have applied for funding for a full-time position, 16 weeks at 35 hours per week, we expect that if our application is approved, we’ll receive only the average grant of 280 hours in total. We are posting the position as 14 weeks at 20 hours per week, but will consider alternatives. As part of the CSJ 2023 program, this position is only available to students or youth under 30. (And only if our application is approved!)
We are looking for someone who is:
- a self-starter and able to work independently and,
- interested in making a difference and with experience in volunteering or community service.
Some of the specific skills that would be an asset for this job include:
- fluency in written English,
- complete comfort with the tech side of things; email, MS Office, social media, WordPress, and even Google Ads and SEO,
- experience in customer service, sales, and/or marketing.
A more complete job description is included in our grant application:
Please note that the wage rate in the application is no longer correct. TIES will pay the new BC minimum wage that comes into effect on June 1st, 2023
Apply by email to the address in the job description above or use our Contact page.