One of the main purposes of our Technology In Education Society is to donate innovative technology to education projects in developing countries.
Some of our donations are for RACHELs from World Possible. RACHEL stands for Remote Area Community Hotspot for Education and Learning. With this small, battery powered device, education resources from the internet can be delivered to communities without internet access, in fact even without grid electricity!
In 2021, TIES worked with CAUSE Canada to provide two RACHEL units and 30 tablets in Koinadugu, Sierra Leone. The RACHEL units were used for the CAUSE Kids Afterschool Program, which produced huge improvements in math and reading assessment test results for 356 primary and secondary school students.
In 2022 we are renewing our support with the Sierra Leone Afterschool Project which will assist CAUSE in tripling the size of the program to help 1,152 kids improve their math and literacy skills. This expanded project will also target better teacher and parent engagement in order to work towards long-term sustainability. Our funding will provide two additional RACHEL units, dozens more tablets, and a contribution towards training, program delivery, and evaluation.
As with all of TIES education projects in developing countries, the majority of the Sierra Leone Afterschool project’s beneficiaries are girls in order to reduce the gender inequality in education that is so often an issue in the countries in which we work.

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Quality Over Quantity — Or Can We Have Both?

Renewed Support for the Sierra Leone Afterschool Project
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Any donations to our technology gifting program would be most welcome. If you would like your donation to go towards RACHEL projects please use the PayPal donate button below and select the TIES initiative that you wish to support; 100% of your donation will go to that project.
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